(Wednesday, March 15th, 1600)
W With hart, and hand, among the rest, E Especially you welcome are : L Long looked for, as welcome guest, C Come now at last you be from farre. O Of many within the Citty sure, M Many good wishes you haue had. E Each one did pray you might indure, W VVith courage good the match you made. I Intend they did with gladsome hearts, L Like your well vvillers, you to meete : K Know you also they'l doe their parts, E Eyther in field or house to greete M More you then any with you came, P Procur'd thereto with trump and fame.And before I leave for my own time once more, I am able to buy a printed copy for a farthing, perhaps from one of the same ballad-sellers who will later give Will such grief by publishing sorry slanders, suggesting quite unfairly that he cheated on his wager in various ways. We were just past the market place (and believe me, even in the twenty-first century, that's something to see!) when Will had the misfortune to land on the hem of a young woman's petticoat. Naturally, she jumped, trying to get out of his way, and something broke, leaving her blushing crimson in bodice and shift while a gang of boys (why do cities always have these ruffians?) made off with her fallen skirts. By St.John's churchyard Will leapt over the churchyard wall, apparently thinking to take a shortcut to the Mayor's house, but it seems at that point, his overseer, George Sprat lost sight of him, which I suppose gave rise to many of the slanders against poor Will. At this point, let me thank you, my patient friend, for your patience in going with us through frost, mud and pressing crowds, and refer you once more to Will Kemp's own account of his dance, where in closing, he offers some advice concerning good management of business.
Kemp's Jigg
arranged by Frank Nordberg

X: 1
T: Kemp's Jig
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
R: polka
K: Dmaj
f>g fe | d>e dc | BA Bc | d4 |
f/e/f/g/ fe |d/c/d/e/ dc | BA B/A/B/c/ | d4 |
~fa ~fa |fa/g/~f2 | eg eg |ed/=c/ B^c |
dA FA |dA/G/ FA |BA Bc | d4 |
fa f/g/a | fa/g/ f/e/d |eg e/=f/g | ed/=c/ B^c |
dA F/>G/ A | d/A/B/A/ F/>G/ A | BA B/A/B/c/ | d4 |]
And with Mr.Dowland's jaunty "Kemp's Jigg" I bid you adieu, at least for now.
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