From the movie of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Kidnapped"; "Take a letter to my father, the King. Tell him that the public order of the rebels this day was to give us no quarter, and that therefore, they may expect none. Tell him further that it remains only for the pacification of the highlands to begin, and that this is already under way."

X:56 % number
T:Skye Boat Song % title
C:Anon % composer
O:Scottish Traditional % origin.
M:6/8 % meter
L:1/8 % length of shortest note
Q:80 % tempo
K:C % key
V:1 % voice 1
[P:A (chorus)]
|: "C" G>AG c>cc |"G" d>ed g3 |"C" e>de "F" A2 A |"C" G3-"G7" G2 z |
w:Speed bon-ny boat, like a bird on the wing, on-ward the sail-ors cry!_
"C" G>AG "Am" c>cc |"G" d>ed g3 |"C" e>de "F" A2 A |[1-3 "C" G3-G z |][4 "C" G3-G3 ||
w:Car-ry the lad that is born to be King, o-ver the sea to Skye_ Skye!_
[P:B (verse)]
"Am" e>ce e3 |"Dm" d>Ad d3 |"Am" c>Ac c2 c | A3-A3 |
w:Loud the winds houl, loud the waves roar, thun-der-claps rend the air_,
"Am" e>ce e3 |"Dm" d>Ad d3 |"Am" c>Ac c2 c | A3-"G7"G3 :]
w:baf-fled our foes stand on the shore, fol-low they will not dare._
W:Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,
W:Ocean's a royal bed;
W:Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep
W:Watch by your weary head.
W:Many's the lad fought on that day
W:well the Claymore could wield.
W:When the night came, silently lay
W:Dead on Culloden's field.
W:Burned are our homes, exile and death
W:Scatter the loyal men;
W:Yet e'er the sword cool in the sheath
W:Charlie will come again!
To convert the code above to sheet music, or listen to the tunes, copy the code for a single song, then paste it here and [submit].

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