The gentleman standing beside my working table was outfitted in frock-coat, and leather gloves, carrying a silver-capped cane and a top hat, and from his vest pockets two chains dangled (two pocket-watches?). My first thought was that he had not had time to change his dress after returning from an excursion. But then I noticed the goggles perched on the rim of the top hat which he was carrying. As well as shoulder-length hair he sported the most magnificent mutton-chop whiskers I think I have ever seen!
Later in the course of introduction, I learned that one chain supported his rather splendid pocketwatch, a late Victorian original with the most beautiful engraving, while the other connected to a magnificent brass compass with a miniature sextant built in!
I have to admit that since stretching the fabric of the universe in order to escape from the playpen of the present and go exploring sometimes results in unexpected arrivals in the farthest reaches of possibility, Dr.X seems like an ideal recruit, at least at first glance. But I can't take my eyes off his beautiful silk hat!

- Healthcare
- familiarize yourself with common herbal remedies
- garlic - good for repelling lice
- cloves - helpful for minor toothache
- mint - for chest congestion and digestive upsets
- fennel seed tea - helps regulate digestion
- Fire
- lighters - not allowed
- safety matches - not allowed
- learn to use flint & steel to light tinder
- carry a tinderbox
- Water
- learn to recognize safe sources of potable water
- Forbidden (unless cleared by departure operator)
- personal electrical/electronic devices (including hearing aids)
- watches
- synthetic jewelry
- synthetic fabrics
- modern paper items
- contraceptives
- fountain or biro pens
- lead pencils
- eraser
- contact lenses
- toilet paper (if a sponge or rag is not provided, be prepared to experiment with alternatives! grass, moss, etc.)
What kind of steampunk would you be?

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, steampunk. Cam't get enough of it. We watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen the other night, a truly terrible movie by usual definitions, but every so often I just have to watch it. Can't help myself. Ooh, I could get into the steampunk fashion thing. I suppose I already do a bit, in my own way.
The quiz wouldn't accept me because I didn't live in a city.
Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...
The Aristocrat71% Elegant, 52% Technological, 47% Historical, 24% Adventurous and 9% Playful!
You are the Aristocrat, the embodiment of steampunk elegance and poise. For you, dressing steampunk is first and foremost about simply looking good, with accessories and details to follow. However, this does not mean that you ignore the demands of creating a “steampunk look.” Your outfits weave together a balance between technology and style, and between period accuracy and beautiful anachronism. While your fashion inspiration may come from anywhere across the Victorian social spectrum, you always find a way to make your outfit beautiful. You will probably be found in the clothes of the steam age elite simply because of the greater elegance available to them. Chances are you dress this way because you like it, and you would still dress in this manner even if steampunk was not a popular interest.
Try our other Steampunk test here.
Take The Steampunk Style Test at HelloQuizzy
I want a gun like the explorer.
How does one recognize "safe sources of potable water"?.
The two most obvious methods are:
use a spring, or well, that the locals are using (provided there is no evidence of disease spreading)
if in doubt, boil (cover, and allow to cool!) before drinking
My own education included the following points:
don't drink water from a standing pool
you can test water with a little earwax, but I can never remember whether the wax is supposed to float or sink, so never use that method anyway :(
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