On a warm summer's evening in 1634 the deal has been concluded and title deeds have been exchanged. In a deal that took me by surprise, a rustic miller sold the mill that he can no longer run for five rare tulip bulbs! (Unfortunately, by my time the famous Semper Augustus is extinct, and these are actually Adonis, a flower with a similar pattern to S.Augustus and to an untrained eye, indistinguishable).
The disabled miller proposes that we should celebrate by visiting the tavern and getting Fleemered (his word, not mine!). Far be it from me to object: while the rare bulbs with which the mill was bought were expensive in my own time, they were not worth nearly as much as they are in seventeenth century Holland.
The Dolfijn tavern offers tobacco as well as drinks, and as soon as Sebastiaan has made himself comfortable, both he and Susanna order tobacco as well as a round of drinks.
I can't help being a little concerned about Sebastiaan's long-term welfare: while the local community operates a primitive form of welfare, it is barely adequate to maintain the one or two derelicts that have no home beyond the village, and although the miller insists that he will learn to cope with his disability, I doubt that he will achieve a meaningful independence within the next couple of years, by which time the proceeds from the sale of his mill will certainly have been spent, not even allowing for the inevitable services of doctor and apothecary.
As the alcohol begins to weave its spell among us Sebastiaan confides in me that he has heard very promising reports concerning the tulip markets, and it seems to him that it would not be inconceivable that he could make a respectable living as a florist, using the proceeds of the days sale as his first stock-in-trade.
Perhaps it is just as well that Susanna is with us; as the evening wears on, I see a couple of young ladies with a very breezy manner making the rounds of the tables and even though there are only a handful of patrons, they seem intent on spreading mirth and flirting regardless of age, although perhaps they are paying a little more attention to those who are more finely arrayed?
My suspicions aren't entirely without justification, and while Susanna is absorbed in watching Sebastiaan try to blow smoke rings, I catch the sound of giggles and the occasional squeal from another room.
When I mention to Sebastiaan that I think somebody is playing "Klop de bever" in the back room, he guffaws, and bursts into song with Susanna joining in raucously. The irony strikes me that, at least for now, the purse isn't empty! The transcription of their song, presented below, is taken from Tylman Susato's Musyck Boexken of 1551, a rich collection of songs in the Dutch language.
Dutch | English |
Och hoort toch ons bediet, Dit laetste liet Singt al verdriet, Omdat wy moeten scheyden. Ons mach gheen wyn verleiden, Maer tgelt en isser niet. Wy moeten trueren wat: Die buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat. Syn dat niet grote rampen? Wy souden meer slampampen Hadden wyt in de clampen. | Oh hear our story well, This last song Sounds quite sad, Because we must depart. Yonder wine might tempt us, But there is no money. We must suffer a bit: The purse is flat, It has a hole. Is that not a terrible thing? We would like to "play" a while longer If it was within our grasp. |
T:Och hoort toch ons bediet % title
C:A.Barbe % composer
O:Musyck Boexken 1, pub. Tylman Susato % origin.
M:2/2 % meter
L:1/4 % length of shortest note
Q: % tempo
V:1 name="Superius" sname="S." clef=treble
V:2 name="Contratenor" sname="Ct." clef=treble
V:3 name="Tenor" sname="T." clef=treble
V:4 name="Bassus" sname="B." clef=bass
K:F % key
V:1 % voice 1 z4 | c4 | c4 | z2 c2 | w:Och hoort, och
V:2 f4 | f4 | z2 f2-| f2 e e | w:Och hoort, och hoort, och
V:3 z4 | c4 | c4 | z2 c2 | w:Och hoort, och
V:4 f4 | f4 | z2 f2-| f2 c c | w:Och hoort, och hoort, och
V:1 c A B c | A c B G | A c B B | A4 |
w:hoort toch ons be-diet, Dit laet-ste liet Singt al ver-driet,
V:2 f f d e | c f d e | c f f e | f2 z c |
w:hoort, toch ons be-diet, Dit laet-ste liet Singt al ver-driet, Om-
V:3 c c B G | A A B c | c A B B | c4 |
w:hoort, toch ons be-diet, Dit laet-ste liet Singt al ver-driet,
V:4 f f g c | f f g c | f f g g | f4 |
w:hoort, toch ons be-diet, Dit laet-ste liet Singt al ver-driet,
V:1 z A c c | c B A2 | G2 z A | c c c B |
w:Om dat wy moe-ten schey-den, Om dat wy moe-ten
V:2 f f f e | d2 c2 | z4 | z c f f |
w:dat wy moe-ten schey-den, Om-dat wy
V:3 z4 | z2 z A | c c c>B | A G z F |
w:Om-dat wy moe-ten schey-den, Om
V:4 z4 | z4 | z c f f | f e d2 |
w:Om-dat wy moe-ten schey-
V:1 A G>A B/G/ | A>B c d- | d/c/ c2 B | c G A B-|
w:schey-------------den, wy moe-ten_
V:2 f e d2 | c e>d g- | g f g G | c>d e f |
w:moe-ten schey-------den, Om-dat wy moe-ten
V:3 c c c B | A2 G2 | z c d d | e>d c B/A/ |
w:dat wy moe-ten schey-den, Om-dat wy moe-ten schey-
V:4 c2 z g | c' c' c' b | a2 g2 | z c c d |
w:den Om-dat wy moe-ten schey-den. Ons mach gheen
V:1 B A2 G | A2 z2 | z4 | z2 z F |
w:* schey-den. Ons
V:2 g f/e/ d e |[L:1/8] f3 e/d/ c2 c2 |[L:1/4] c d e f | g2 d d |
w:schey--------den. Ons mach gheen wyn ver-lei-den, Maer
V:3 G A B2 | A F F G | A B c2 |[L:1/8]G2 G2 B3 A/G/ |
w:---den. Ons mach gheen wyn ver-lei-den, ver-lei-
V:4 e f g2 | d d f e | f d c f | e c g b |
w:wyn ver-lei-den, Maer tgelt en is-ser niet, Ons mach gheen wyn ver-
V:1 F G A B | c2 G B | A G>F F-| F E F2 |
w:mach gheen wyn ver-lei-den, Maer tgelt en_ is--ser niet.
V:2 f e f d | c e2 d-| d/ c/ c2 B | c2 z c |
w:tgelt en is-ser niet, Maer tgelt_ en is-ser niet. Wy
V:3 [L:1/4] F B c B | G c2 B | c G A B | G G F2 |
w:den, Maer tgelt en is--ser niet, Maer tgelt en is-ser niet.
V:4 a g/ g/ f/ f/ g/ g/ | c2 g2 | f e f d | c2 z f |
w:lei-den, Maer tgelt en is-ser niet, Maer tgelt en is-ser niet. Wy
V:1 z4 | z c B c | A B c2 | z4 | z2 z C |
w:Wy moe-ten true-ren wat: Die
V:2 c c d c | A2 z2 | z2 z c | B c A c | B G A2 |
w:moe-ten true-ren wat: Die buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat,
V:3 z4 | z c d e | f d c2 | z4 | z2 z c |
w:Wy moe-ten true-ren wat: Die
V:4 e f d e | f2 z2 | z2 z c | d e f c | d e f2 |
w:moe-ten true-ren wat: Die buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat,
V:1 D E F E | F G C2 | z4 | z2 z c | B e A c |
w:buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat, Die buers is plat, Sy
V:2 z4 | z2 z c | d e f e | f g c f | f c d A |
w:Die buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat, Die buers is plat, Sy
V:3 B c A c | B G A2 | z4 | z2 z c | d e f c |
w:buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat, Die buers is plat, Sy
V:4 z4 | z2 z c'| b c' a c' | b g a f | b a f a |
w:Die buers is plat, Sy heeft een gat, Die buers is plat, Sy
V:1 B G A2-| A2 z2 | z2 z G | A/G/ A/B/ c G |
w:heeft een gat._ Syn dat_ niet_ gro-te
V:2 f c c2 | z2 c2 | f f f e |d c/B/ A/G/ c-|
w:heeft een gat. Syn dat niet gro-te ram-
V:3 d e f c | f f f e | d2 c2 | z2 c2 |
w:heeft een gat. Syn dat niet gro-te ram-pen, Syn
V:4 b c' f2-| f2 z2 | z2 c2 | f f f e |
w:heeft een gat._ Syn dat niet gro-te
V:1 A F/G/ A/B/ c-| c B c2 | G2 c c | c B A2 |
w:ram--------pen, Syn dat niet gro-te ram-
V:2 c B c2 | z d e c/d/ | e/f/ g2 f | g d f f |
w:--pen, Syn dat niet gro-te ram-pan, Syn dat niet
V:3 f f f e | d2 c/d/e/f/ |[L:1/8] e2 d3 c/B/ c2 |[L:1/4] d4 |
w:dat niet gro-te ram----------pen.
V:4 d2 c2 | z g c' c' | c'b a2 | g2 z d |
w:ram-pen, Syn dat niet gro-te ram-pen, Syn
V:1 G4- | G4 | z4 |
w:pen?_ V:2 f e d2 | [L:1/8] c2 e3 d/c/ d2 |[L:1/4] e2 c c/ d/ |
w:gro-te ram------pen? Wy sou-den
V:3 z G B B | G c2 B | c4 |
w:Syn dat niet gro-te ram-pen?
V:4 e c g g | c2 g2 | z c f/ g/ a/ b/ |
w:dat niet gro-te ram-pen? Wy sou-den meer slam-
V:1 z2 F F/ G/ | A/ B/ c G/ G/ B/ B/ | A F G2 |
w:Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam-
V:2 e/ f/ g d/ d/ f/ d/ |[L:1/8] e c f3 e/d/ e2 |[L:1/4] f c c c |
w:meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam----pen, Wy sou-den
V:3 z4 | z f b>c | d/ e/ f c/ c/ e/ e/ |
w:Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt
V:4 c' g/ g/ b b | a f g2 | f2 z c |
w:pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam-pen, Had-
V:1 F/ F/ B/ B/ A/ F/ G-|[L:1/8]GF F3 E/D/ E2 |[L:1/4] F2 z2 |
w:pen, Had-den wyt in de clam-------pen,
V:2 A G A G/ G/ | d/ d/ d/ B/ c c | c c/ d/ e/ f/ g |
w:meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam-pen, Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-
V:3 d B c B/ G/ | B/ B/ A/ F/ G2 | F2 z2 |
w:in de clam-pen, Had-den wyt in de clam-pen,
V:4 f g c e | d2 c c | f/ g/ a/ b/ c' g/ g/ |
w:den wyt in de clam-pen, Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-pen Had-
V:1 F F/ G/ A/ B/ c | G/ G/ B/ B/ A F | G2 F/ F/ B/ B/ |
w:Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam-pen, Had-den wyt
V:2 d/ d/ f/ d/ e/ c/ f-| f/e//d// e f c | c c A G |
w:pen Had-den wyt in de clam-----pen, Wy sou-den meer slam-
V:3 z2 z F | B>c d/ e/ f | c/ c/ e/ e/ d B |
w:Wy sou-den meer slam-pam-pen Had-den wyt in de
V:4 b b a f | g2 f2 | z c f g |
w:den wyt in de clam-pen, Had-den wyt
V:1 A/ F/ G>F F-| F/E//D// E F2-| F4-| F4-| !fermata! F4 |]
w:in de clam-------pen.___
V:2 A G/ G/ d/ d/ d/ B/ | c c z c | d d d d | c2 c2-| !fermata! c4 |]
w:pam-pen Had-den wyt in de clam-pen, Had-den wyt in de clam-pen._
V:3 c B/ G/ B/ B/ A/ F/ | G2 F2-| F4-| F4-| !fermata! F4 |]
w:clam-pen, Had-den wyt in de clam-pen.___
V:4 c e d2 | c c f f | d d B2 | f4-| !fermata! f4 |]
w:in de clam-pen, Had-den wyt in de clam-pen._
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