Capable of an astonishing 90mph on just one gallon of Guinness, it remains the envy of more sophisticated automotive designers.

X:68 % number
T: O'Rafferty's Motor Car % title
C:Tommie Connor % composer
O:Songs and Dances of Ireland% origin.
M:6/8 % meter
L:1/8 % length of shortest note
Q:180 % tempo
K:C % key
V:1 % voice 1
G |: "C" ccc "F" ccc | "C" c2 G EFG | "D7" A2 c "G7" d2 B | "C" c3-c2 G |
w:Now Din-ny O' Raf-fer-ty's mo-tor car is the great-est I de-clare,_ It's
Gcc "F" c2 c | "C" c2 G E2 G | "D7" A2 d d2 c | "G7" B3-B2 G |
w:made up of bits and piece-s that he's picked up here and there,_ The
"F" A2 A A2 c | "Em" B2 G EFG | "F" A2 G "G7" F2 A |"C" G3-GGG |
w:en-gine must be age-s old but it's still got lots of power,_ With a
Gcc "F" cBc | "C" c2 G EFG | "D7" A2 c "G7" d2 B | "C" c3-c2 G ||
w:gal-lon of stout in the pet-rol tank it does nine-ty miles an hour!_ Oh
"C" e2 c cBc | e2 c cGG | "D7" A2 c "G7" B2 c |
w:What a won-der-ful mo-tor car, it's the great-est ev-er
"C" c3-c2 G | Gcc "F" ccc | "C" c2 G EFG | "D7" A2 d d2 c |
w:seen!_ It used to be black as me fath-er's hat, now it's For-ty Shades of
"G7" B3-B2 G | "F" A2 A A2 c | "Em" B2 G EFG | "F" A2 G F2 A |
w:Green!_ On T. V. and the Ra-di-o and in ev-'ry pub-lic
"C" G3-G2 G | "F" G2 c "F#dim" c2 c | "C" c2 G EGG | "D7" ABc "G7" d2 B |
w:bar,_ the burn-ing ques-tion of the day is O'-Raf-fer-ty's mo-tor
[1-4 "C" c3-c2 z | z4 z G : |[5 "C" c3-c z3 : |
w:car!_ Now car!_
W:Now two of the wheels are triangular and the third one's off a pram.
W:The Fourth is the last remaining wheel from off a Dublin tram,
W:The number plate's in Gaelic and the plugs won't even spark,
W:And the chassis came off of a tinker's cart that collapsed in Phoenix Park.
W:Now go for a ride in that motor car and you'll end up with the shakes;
W:The road from Cork to Dublin is a vale of pains and aches,
W:When traffic lights turn red ahead then you'd best jump out the door,
W:For the minute that Dinny treads on the brake, then his foot goes through the floor!
W:Now if you could see the upholstery, then your eyes would start to pop,
W:It's nothing but empty beer crates with a load of sacks on top.
W:The windscreen's gone to Lord-knows-where and there's mothballs in the horn,
W:And I reckon he'd only get half a quid if he took it to the pawn.
W:Now Dinny was driving 'round last week when the engine did the splits!
W:It went up in smoke and nearly blew O'Connell Street to bits!
W:They searched for Dinny and they found he'd landed up by heck
W:Away on top of the G.P.O.1 with his L-plates2 round his neck!
1. General Post Office
2. L-plates, used to identify a learner driver
X:69 % number
T:My Car % title
C:Myscha Aiken % composer
O:Deer Run Lane Asylum for the Musically Incompetent % origin.
M:4/4 % meter
L:1/4 % length of shortest note
Q:240 % tempo
K:C % key
V:1 % voice 1
F D C F | C D C F | D C F2 |
w:I bought a car to-day, I got a good deal!
F G D E | D G D E | D G E D | G2 z C |
w:It has-n't got a sun-roof or a ste-er-ing wheel, but
D E E D | C E C D | C F F E | ^D =D2 z |
w:It's got a lot of fea-tures that I think are re-al neat;
D D G G | A G2 F | D E F ^F | G3 z |
w:I can e-ven e-ject from the pas-sen-ger seat!
W:I took it to the carwash to get the full wax
W:It made the rust fall off, but it filled all the cracks
W:Then out onto the motorway, we really had fun
W:We shot a ring and blew smoke till we blacked out the sun!
W:Underneath the dashboard I pulled out a loose wire,
W:It turned the heater on and the dashboard caught fire!
W:I doused it with my mug of tea, you know what I mean,
W:And when the sparks stopped we had a smoky windscreen.
W:I sold my car today, the buyer paid cash.
W:I didn't hang about, I was gone in a flash.
W:It's hard to get the parts for these peculiar makes;
W:It hasn't got an oil filter, headlamps or brakes!
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