I just had to post this deliciously silly song when I found it. Wendy Stanford versifies, and sets to music the complexities of a mind that is no longer perfectly in step with the world, and does so in a lighthearted way. I'm sure that the scenario she describes musically will be familiar to a lot of us who won't be celebrating another "thirty-ninth" birthday. 

T:Senility's Silly
C:Wendy Stanford
|: "B"z2d/e/ | fz/d/d/e/ | fzb/b/ | "E"ba>g | "B"f2f/f/ |
w:When I'm old, if I'm a nut, and of joke's I'm the butt, I won't
w:When I'm old, should.I not re-main this-- so-ber and sane, sing-ing
"F#"f>cc/d/ | ezg | "E"g>fe | "B"d>dd/e/ |
w:wor-ry, it's o-kay; that's just the world's way. I'll car-ry
w:bold-ly all the while 'bout get-ting se-nile, I hope the
fzd/e/ | fzb | "E"ba<g | "B"fzf |
w:on, sing-ing songs, and laugh-ing out loud; 'S'one
w:voices in my head.will say in-t'rest-ing things, Maybe
"F#"a>ab | c'/aa/a | "E"b>bb | "B"b2z | z2b |
w:thing a-bout cra-zies, they don't have to act proud. I'll
w:add some harmo-ny-- if-- any of 'em sings! Yes.I'll
"E"b2g | e2z | "B"bbf | d2z |
w:read the clock, fix up the bed,
w:fix.up the clock, read-- the bed,
"F#"f2f | a2z | "E"b2b | "B"b2z | "E"b2g | e2z | "B"bzf | d2z |
w:Find my shoes, toast the bread. Feed the dog, wash my face,
w:Toast my shoes, find the bread. Wash the dog, feed my face,
"F#"fz/f/f/f/ | aza | "E"b<bb | "B"b2z :| z2 |]
w:Take my vi-ta-mins, and get out 'the place.
w:Get.out my vi-ta-mins, and take-- the place.
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