
Music (in abc notation) and stories


Sunday, July 15, 2007

At home, with Johann Sebastian and Anna Magdalena

This is an entry for all you fans of the Thuringian Stud. From Johann Sebastian's chart-topping 1745 album, Nun da, was ich Musik nenne, here are the Minuet in G, and Sleepers Awake.

X:55 % number
T:Minuet in G % title
C:Johann Sebastian Bach % composer
O:The Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach % origin.
M:3/4 % meter
N:Requires notes up to B' in the upper octave
L:1/8 % length of shortest note
Q: % tempo
V:1 % voice 1
d2 GA Bc | d2 G2 G2 | e2 cd ef | g2 G2 G2 |
c2 dc BA | B2 cB AG | [1 F2 GA BG | B2 A4 :|
[2 A2 BA GF | G4 z2 | b2 ga bg | a2 de fd |
g2 ef gd | ^c2 B^c A2 | AB ^cd ef | g2 f2 e2 |
fa d2 ^c2 | d4 z2 | d2 GF G2 | e2 GF G2 |
d2 c2 B2 | AG FG A2 | DE FG | AB c2 B2 |
A2 Bd G2 | F2 G4 ||

X:54 % number
T:Sleepers Awake! % title
C:Johann Sebastian Bach % composer
O:Traditional Lutheran Chorale % origin.
M:4/4 % meter
N:Requires notes up to C''
L:1/4 % length of shortest note
Q: % tempo
K:C % key
V:1 % voice 1
G c/d/ e e | d f e G | F e/c/ d F | E B c2 :|
g g2 f/e/ | d/c/ d/c/ B/A/ G | A/B/ c/d/ e/d/ f/e/ |
d/c/ e d2 | G e ^f2 | g c/B/ c2 | A ^f g2 | a c/B/ c2 |
c' b/a/ g2 | (3a/g/^f/ g d B | G z E2 | ^F2 G2 |]

To convert the code above to sheet music, or listen to the tunes, copy the code for a single song, then paste it here and [submit].

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